Our fractional approach allows us to deliver an entire team with the right skills for the same investment you might spend on a single dedicated staff member. Our collaborative approach helps each staff member excel in their area of expertise to ensure efficiency and low invoice costs.
Right person, right experience, right chemistry. We believe in providing staff with:
- The right level of experience and technical skills, AND
- The right personality and culture fit.
We recruit “A” players who know how to meld into our clients’ culture and workforce. Our culture supports diversity, work-life balance, and continual improvement. As a result, our turnover is the lowest in our industry, so you can rest assured your Optima team will be ready and in-place as long as you need them.
Our bench is deep, whether at the support, managerial, or executive level. As your needs change, you can easily scale-up or scale-down the level of staff and expertise required over time.
Monday - Friday
8am to 5pm